Legislation and governance
The legislative framework for the operations of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) is set by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017 and the Biodiversity Conservation (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 2017. Part 10 of the Act constitutes the BCT.
The purpose of the Act is to maintain a healthy, productive and resilient environment for the greatest wellbeing of the community in NSW, now and into the future, consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development.
The BCT has zero tolerance to integrity being breached. Staff are expected to behave ethically and act in the public interest at all times as outlined in the Code of Ethics and Conduct (the Code). Staff are any persons working for the BCT in any capacity such as employees, persons contracted as employees, and volunteers. The BCT Board members and members of Board sub-committees also apply the Code’s standard of conduct.
The BCT has established a comprehensive governance framework. This includes:
- the BCT’s business plan
- a governance framework
- a charter for the BCT Board
- a charter for the BCT Audit and Risk Committee
- a charter for the BCT Programs and Delivery Committee
- instruments of delegation
- a risk appetite statement, risk management policy, and risk management plan
- a privacy management plan [.PDF, 575 KB]
- a fraud control policy
- a conformance framework and plan
- a compliance policy for private land conservation
- conservation agreement (CA) collation execution and registration guidelines
- a procedural guideline - Payment of ex-NCT MFC payments to landholders
- a policy for staff participation in BCT programs
- a working alone or remotely policy
- a fatigue management policy
- work health and safety policy and procedures
- a funds and investment management framework
- program implementation plans
- a media and communications strategy
- an internal audit program and internal audit charter and appointment of a Chief Audit Executive
- external financial audit and possible performance audits by the Audit Office NSW
- adoption of numerous NSW Government or planning and environment cluster policies
- quarterly reports to the Board on performance; communication, engagement and education activities; finance; conformance; risk management, work health and safety
- annual reports
The BCT is committed to ensuring that information is accessible to the government and the community of NSW. The BCT Continuous Disclosure Policy Statement outlines the information that we proactively disclose such as material on our program offerings and outcomes as well as our corporate and governance functions. Our Agency Information Guide describes our organisation, the types of information we hold, and how we manage our information. If you are seeking access to information that is not available on our website – refer to how to access information.