Expressions of Interest for this tender have now closed. View current conservation tenders.
Tender overview
Through the Upper Hunter conservation tender, eligible landholders are given the opportunity to set a price to protect and manage important native vegetation on their land.
If successful, landholders will receive annual payments to implement an agreed conservation management plan and enter into an in-perpetuity agreement with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.
Tender timeline
7 August 2023: Expressions of interest open
8 September 2023: Expressions of interest close
16 February: Bids open
3 March 2024: Bids close
From June 2024: Successful landholders notified
Eligibility for a conservation agreement
The Upper Hunter conservation tender focuses on the protection of remnant patches of moderate to good condition native vegetation, with a particular focus on Threatened Ecological Communities in the Upper Hunter Shire.
To enter this tender you must be:
- an Owner of the land, as defined by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW); and,
- an Australian citizen, registered for tax purposes in Australia and holding an Australian bank account, or an Australian registered company, registered for tax purposes in Australia, registered for GST and holding an Australian bank account; and,
- a fit and proper person to enter into an in-perpetuity conservation agreement with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.
Eligible sites include those:
- within the tender area.
- containing a single patch of native vegetation, of at least 20 hectares.
- containing native vegetation in moderate to good condition (unless the vegetation is a Threatened Ecological Community of importance to this tender).
For full participant and site eligibility requirements, refer to the tender Landholder Guide.
The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) will prioritise sites for assessment. These assessments are conducted on your property to determine if your native vegetation is eligible for a conservation agreement.
Tender map and vegetation types
You can view the Upper Hunter Shire council tender area via ArcGIS Online.
While all native vegetation types are eligible under the tender, the tender will prioritise the following Threatened Ecological Communities:
- White Box - Yellow Box - Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland
- Central Hunter Grey Box - Ironbark Woodland
- Central Hunter Ironbark - Spotted Gum - Grey Box Forest
- Central Hunter Valley Eucalypt Forest and Woodland
- Hunter Valley Weeping Myall Woodland
- Hunter Floodplain Red Gum Woodland
- Hunter Lowland Redgum Forest
- Hunter Valley Footslopes Slaty Gum Woodland
Landholder Guide
Submit your interest
Expressions of Interest for this tender have now closed. View current conservation tenders.
Information sessions
Tender FAQs
Before you choose to express your interest in the Upper Hunter conservation tender, review our frequently asked questions.
For more information
Phone: 1300 992 688
Email: [email protected]
Office locations: Visit our regional map
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