The Biodiversity Offsets Payment Calculator Order 2022 establishes the methods the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust uses to calculate the amount for each credit type that development proponents pay to the Biodiversity Conservation Fund. 

In accordance with the order, the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust publishes Biodiversity Conservation Fund (BCF) charges between 180 days and 270 days after a charge is issued. 

BCF quarterly charge report

Most recently applied charge quotes

All Biodiversity Conservation Fund (BCF) charge quotes provided to applicants from the start of the ;BCF Charge System, on 17 October, are published in the current report.

The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust updates the report on a quarterly basis to ensure new charges are published within the timeframe specified in the order.

BCF Charge Report [.PDF]

Advice to market participants

Charges published in the Biodiversity Conservation Fund charge report do not include the delivery fee and risk premium charge on top of the credit price. Charges published in the report are consistent with biodiversity credit price estimates issued by the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust as part of its biodiversity credits price estimation service

Development proponents and Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement landholders should check the report and other market tools before applying for a price estimate from the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.

Unless the proponent has paid into the BCF, the BCF charge presented in the report does not necessarily reflect the actual cost to the proponent of acquitting their development offset obligation.

Market participants should exercise judgment and consider obtaining expert advice when using information contained in the report to estimate credit prices.

Charges in the BCF charge report may not reflect the current market trade prices.

Proponents, landholders, and other credit market participants should review other sources of market information, as well as the charge report when considering the likely value of biodiversity credits.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to questions about the Biodiversity Conservation Fund Charge System and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust reporting on charge quotes.

Frequently asked questions